10 hours package
Supports you right from start to first sale received. Zoom.us calls as needed.
Time packages can be used for updating or expanding the content on one's Simplero website. It can also be used to make changes to the design of your existing Simplero website. In addition, for telephonic Zoom advice and guidance related to website or general online marketing advice.
How does it work ?
You buy hour packages and when you need help I "Consume" of those hours. When the hours are exhausted you can see a complete overview of the tasks that have been solved under Overview.
- Hours cannot be transferred or resold.
- Hours are basically only for support on the Simplero platform.
- Hours are valid for 1 year after the date of purchase.
- Unused hours are non-refundable.
- Any support for other companies' products will only be available once we have assessed the product, please inquire.